Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The journey continues...

I have fought blogging for a long time because I don't like the idea of people reading this and putting labels on me. I constantly fight so many of the labels the world gives me. I also struggle with being a people-pleaser so my fear was that I would start blogging to make myself appear hip or cool or whatever the kids are saying these days. But the reality is I truly want people to see me for who I really am. I, like you, was created by our amazing God. The Lord would be crushed to know that I was not pleased with the way He designed me. So I am learning to delight in that design and live in the freedom of being who God says I am. Unique. Beloved. My daughter.

With all of that being said, here is my blog. I am sure it will be filled with random stories, soulful songs, Christ's love, & stupid things I cannot help but do. This is all part of the journey of just being me...


Meredith said...

you look hot in that picture...who took it?!! way to go starting a blog, I have one, but it's blank, so what does that say about me?!

"what you know bout me?" get it girl.

rebekkahd said...

Awesome start Julie. I'm proud of you for writing and hope to read more...


spainer said...

Ah, I love it! Welcome to the world o' blogging...there is something kinda fun about it!

Rebecca said...

Well....I am too excited I get to hear more of your day to day happenings! You are such a fun and interesting woman Julie!!!!!