Thursday, August 21, 2008

Soak it in...

My job allows me to be surrounded by some truly amazing and encouraging people. Today I had an encounter that reminded me of that.

A RM prayer warrior came up to me and said, "Julie, you are stunning and beautiful, inside and out." And my first reaction was "Aaawww, thanks that's sweet. I actually feel sweaty and gross." Than she hugged me real tight and did not let go and said, "No don't let that bounce off you, soak it in. It is true."

She was dead on, my first response was to let it bounce off. Why is it so hard to "soak in" compliments and truly believe them? I often automatically assume when someone is giving a compliment they are just being nice (I mean this is the south). But when I stopped assuming and just let the compliment truly "soak in" what a blessing I received.

I also want to state that I do know about "humility" I hope this post doesn't reflect that now I think I am a supermodel...
The point of sharing this is to encourage you to believe the compliments that are true of you and let them soak in. And I am speaking of the compliments that Jesus himself would say to you.


Rebecca said...

Good word Julie! I think this is difficult for all of us! And I would just like to add that I COMPLETELY agree with this lady! She knows what she is talking about so BELIEVE IT!!!!

Margot said...

Thank you for sharing this. Let it SOAK, girl....