Thursday, March 12, 2009

Leap & Skip More...

One of my goals for the year is to dance more. To work at fulfilling that goal I signed up for a Jazz class at 9th St.. Yesterday I sadly finished the last Jazz class of the 10 week session. Now dance is not a new hobby for me, I started taking dance classes when I was 4 and never really stopped. I just have to make a little more effort these days to make time for it.

For me the actually events that happen at Jazz class are very familiar. But I know many of you reading this may be confused about what actually happens at "Jazz Class." I know this to be true because of some of the responses I have received over the past 10 weeks. When I say, "I got to go to Jazz"or "Maybe we can get together after Jazz" the look on the people's faces have been priceless. I think some people hear the words "Jazz Class" and think of shaking Jazz hands and Westside Story snaps and all sorts of other cheesy things. Several weeks ago I was even forced to give Cameron and James a mini dance class (in the admin. office) on what I learned at Jazz just to clear things up for them.

Basically Jazz Class includes warming-up with some amazing stretches to some hip indie-rock-"Garden State" sounding music. Than learning a series of 8-count movements to songs like E-Pro from Beck. And my favorite part of class is "going across the floor", this basically means you leap, jump, chug, skip, and spin from one side of the room to the other. The teacher does tell you what to do, it is not a free for all, even though we are often encouraged to put our own style into our movements.

Now with all that being said let me tell you a few reasons why I love Jazz Class...

1-Our bodies can do amazing things!

2-If you stop worrying about if you're "doing it" right, you can truly experience freedom and joy through movement.

3-Adults don't leap & skip enough in this world! I am convinced if we all leaped and skipped a couple times a day, we would all be happier! And I am pretty sure Jesus leaped and skipped.

A special note to my Dad & Mama...thanks for going to all the many recitals in my life. I am forever grateful for being encouraged to dance as a child.


Margot said...

Fantastic, J! I read this because I love you and love to know what you're up to. Then, selfishy, I realized how helpful it would be to me in the writing I'm doing on BODIES!

Thanks so much for posting this.

Rebecca said...

As I read this, I could see you leaping, skipping and jumping across the floor of my mind! Such a fun post from an amazing woman!!!!! Perhaps we can put a jazz class instructed by you on our list of "to-dos" in a couple of weekends!!!